
  • 松樹会(しょうじゅかい) 松田樹峰のビデオ




  • 松樹会(しょうじゅかい) お問い合せ
  •  Redraw the Palm Lines
  • Did you know you can correct your
    palm lines?

    We all know we can change ourselves using
    cosmetic surgery, in an operation, or via
    chiropractic therapy.
    But did you know you can also change
    the lines on your palm?
    Rest assured no harm will come to any part
    of your body.
    "How can I correct my palm lines and have
    a fulfilled life?"
    You might want to meet a suitable partner,
    become rich, or improve your relationships
    with others.
    ・Success in finding love and marriage
    ・Increased wealth
    ・Increased desirability
    ・Improved health

  • Seven rainbow colors will be
    the theme colors.

    ① Red:Life Line
    ② Green:Head Line
    ③ Blue:Heart Line
    ④ Yellow:Sun Line
    ⑤ Pink:Marriage Line
    ⑥ Gold:Mercury Line
    ⑦ Purple:Fate Line

  • About the "Redraw the Palm Lines"
    Originator of the Shoujukai Uranai World clan, Matsuda Juho, has mastered how to redraw the people's palm lines without damaging them and has worked with people from all over the world.

    "Redraw the Palm Lines" is a special technique she developed that goes beyond Uranai.
    It was developed by Matsuda Juho during her 54 years of experience in the industry.

    People's minds and the mechanisms of their bodies are very complicated.
    Countless methods exist to try to treat our bodies, such as operations to address illnesses, cosmetic surgeries and chiropractic therapies.

    However, form a fortune teller's point of view no one could figure out how to correct these issues in the long term even though these matters are indicated in the palm lines.

    By focusing on this challenge, the only one in the world Matsuda Juho mastered systematically how to bring about a better life by "Redraw the Palm Lines".